Monthly Archives: February 2015

The cost of security, and artificial status quo

This society and everything related to it, is a fraud.

Everything that relates to the government is artificial, conflicts, war, crisis, everything is a fraud orchestrated by state of different countries to legitimize their power and monopoly on everything. Humans became just an object, or a resource, in achieving needs of those who in power. Live stand in the same line with metal, wood, or water. The line between human live and a dollar is blurred so much that today we can give a price to something priceless. Something that no one can ever buy, or create. The life. Our world is so corrupted that there will never be a change to anything. We got so far, there is no peaceful resolution anymore. There is no room for negotiation. One day or another there will be a war between countries, which will destroy almost everything on this planet. Status Quo cannot be maintained for eternity. All lines stuck in one cage will sooner or later start a fight for last bit of meat. And that will happen since the resources on this planet are coming to the end. Constantly growing population of this world, will create an increase in productions, and more production waste. Countries create more weapons, however there is nowhere to try them, and to maintain army is to increase spending, which will not be legitimize if there is no need for security. How far can governments of different countries create and resolve conflicts in 3rd world countries, and how long will it take before those conflicts to come to 1st world countries? Status Quo will fall one day, and what will be next is destruction of everything.

What is human?

It was long time ago since I wrote anything on this website. The reason aside from knowing that probably no one does read anything I post, is that people don’t care. Talking to many people who come from different backgrounds I began to realize that the mutual pattern between them is the “don’t care” philosophy. Most of the time people don’t know where are they headed, and frankly they don’t want to. Untold true, is that we human, are born dead. Time exists only in between humans, we created the clock, and the calendar. Nature does have seasons, but they all different for certain regions. And the switch of poles, many years ago, north was south, meaning that there is nothing that will have consistency in this world. Only humans are the ones who try to live eternity in their very limited life. They create this illusion to run away from whats real. They don’t want to break the well established pattern of living, which in reality just nothing. We share this idea that the meaning of life is for hippies. Its something that will never be found, like Narnia. However how many people have actually tried to look for a reason. How many people actually tried to find the real, true destiny of human race. No one on this planet yet undergo the evolution and became something different. So what gave us the idea that humans are actually product of some sort of evolution? The idea certain monkey types look like humans isn’t enough. All the knowledge we have is human, we came up with theories, laws, rules, ideas. What if all of it is false? What if the world is completely different from what we know. We haven’t finished discovering our own planet, not even our own selves, but yet moved to discovering the space, new galaxies. What do we do when we meet new race? They will ask as who we are. and simply saying humans wont answer the question. We don’t know who we are, and why we are. and with current movement, will never do.