Monthly Archives: December 2019


It is said to be that kings are chosen, they are come to this world as the chosen ones to create the history, and lead nations. Where are they now? Are they among us, now forgotten and living their own lives? are we ever to return to the times of the great battles, feasts, rebellions and unities? Aristotle said the democracy is one of the worst rules, so did Plato, by describing his paradise to be ruled by philosopher kings. Are we truly experiencing the freedoms we so eagerly pursued in our modern democratic world? Did we satisfy our pyramid of needs as described by Maslow? or are we simply got used to the rubbish present to us by the world elites? Is elitism what we truly desire in this modern age? Donating last money to charities and celebrities on movies, and media platforms? Our society is far from democratic, rule of all, means rule of no body, and therefore is used against the masses. How come the government can pass the bill that is opposed by the people, who are protesting on the streets, if those in power are represented by the mass? How is state to use power against people and call it legitimate if that legitimacy to the state comes from the people it is used against? Modern society is nothing but a grand spectacle, an illusion to hide the true rule, and that is the rule of the money. We strive and pursue materialistic goods, as if our mind is so cloudy that we cannot perceive the end result of our own demise. This world is, as much as I‌ don’t want to conceive to such terminology, biblical. Our society is built and founded on the false pretense of the freedom, which is can be bought. That is what capitalism is built on. You are your own free agent, to gather resources to provide for yourself. And that is how slavery is justifiable. if one is unable to achieve freedom, and financial stability, he or she is to be deemed unworthy, or unwilling to work hard enough, and hence shall live in poverty, and become a slave of the society, to forever exist on the outskirts of our great free world, to exist only on the periphery and not to be accepted into our great majestic utopian world. And for that matter, to avoid achieving utopia of this world, we shall forever create products more and more expensive than before, and just call it inflation.