Monthly Archives: December 2015


Marginalization is the result of our own actions as the community. We tend to distinguish ourselves from others on any possible difference. It’s almost as if we all hate each other. There will never be equality, we all are different. We think differently, we look differently, we have different perceptions and quite different ideas. It is fundamentally idiotic to try to imply policies that will create an equality in our society. The longer we will hide from the fact that we are different the longer our society will live in rivalry with each other.

Slightly, way too long, Quote.

For many years I try to understand what people think of this world. What are their opinions on our life. The conclusion of that is people are fascinating creatures that are tend to determine the  purpose of life without any concrete evidence. Many are not even slightly interested in finding the purpose. The world is no longer a world, but an artificial civilization, or rather a system created to blur the idea of finding the purpose. People are too busy doing what they think they should do. And essentially we came to a point where our existence is no different from any other animal. We live to survive, which in its essence is not achievable.