Category Archives: world politics

World Post Covid

The world post COVID is less likely with everyday. The mutation strain alone is creating many difficulties on the way to a covid free world. However, do not forget the limitless possibilities of venture capitalism that is created through this covid crisis. If you follow finance news, you most likely heard that billionaires and corporations making billions of dollars despite the pandemic. Not only are the conglomerates make more money now, they also have very limited competition. In fact, covid is more profitable to the capitalist market than anything else. Do not be fooled by the media reports of magnats donating money for the covid cause, because in fact its a mere shenanigan. It’s not all fault of a capitalism. The issue is people, psychologically speaking like change. Remember how excited kids get when change come, when there is pizza for dinner and not something home cooked, or night in a hotel? Any change is good! That’s what inheritant about us humans, we love new things, we love when something happens and we are hungry for news. So here we go, we deep inside do not want covid to end. We are hungry to see more cases when we look in the news in the morning, we do not want the world to return to the way it was. In fact, look at the recent update in regards to the nuclear bulletin, 100 seconds before midnight. Is that truly how dangerous covid is? No, that’s the reality that our society today doesn’t want ordinary, we love 100 seconds before midnight, in fact, move it along, why not 1 second?! The world as we know ended. There is no back to norm after this. Believe it or not, this is not outcry, but after humans taste the change they can’t go back, just like a dog that tasted blood. Farewell world.


It is said to be that kings are chosen, they are come to this world as the chosen ones to create the history, and lead nations. Where are they now? Are they among us, now forgotten and living their own lives? are we ever to return to the times of the great battles, feasts, rebellions and unities? Aristotle said the democracy is one of the worst rules, so did Plato, by describing his paradise to be ruled by philosopher kings. Are we truly experiencing the freedoms we so eagerly pursued in our modern democratic world? Did we satisfy our pyramid of needs as described by Maslow? or are we simply got used to the rubbish present to us by the world elites? Is elitism what we truly desire in this modern age? Donating last money to charities and celebrities on movies, and media platforms? Our society is far from democratic, rule of all, means rule of no body, and therefore is used against the masses. How come the government can pass the bill that is opposed by the people, who are protesting on the streets, if those in power are represented by the mass? How is state to use power against people and call it legitimate if that legitimacy to the state comes from the people it is used against? Modern society is nothing but a grand spectacle, an illusion to hide the true rule, and that is the rule of the money. We strive and pursue materialistic goods, as if our mind is so cloudy that we cannot perceive the end result of our own demise. This world is, as much as I‌ don’t want to conceive to such terminology, biblical. Our society is built and founded on the false pretense of the freedom, which is can be bought. That is what capitalism is built on. You are your own free agent, to gather resources to provide for yourself. And that is how slavery is justifiable. if one is unable to achieve freedom, and financial stability, he or she is to be deemed unworthy, or unwilling to work hard enough, and hence shall live in poverty, and become a slave of the society, to forever exist on the outskirts of our great free world, to exist only on the periphery and not to be accepted into our great majestic utopian world. And for that matter, to avoid achieving utopia of this world, we shall forever create products more and more expensive than before, and just call it inflation.

War and status quo.

Reading news, more often than not you find the word “war”, and it’s not a coincidence. Actually anything is rarely a coincidence, especially when it comes to the political knowledge outlets. There, every word, every detail is pretty much groomed before it goes into print/screen. State of nature, that was described by many philosophers, is not necessarily a thing of the past, but rather continuously hunts people into their social lives. Hobbes said, that we (people) never actually get rid of the fear, we always are afraid of each other, and what might others do, despite the laws, and regulations implemented by the government.   That’s why many people, especially those in USA have guns at home, essentially to protect themselves. Thus, today the state of nature, is essentially a state of society, it eventually became the same thing. People live in constant status quo. and looking at the history of human kind, you rarely find them staying at the same place for long. We naturally need change. We born without the ability to walk straight, or talk; we then develop those skills, that are told to us necessary for survival. We never get to choose if that’s so. We created a technological/artificial state of nature in which we have no purpose or destiny. We are forever to wonder around, looking for our meaning, eventually giving up and taking office jobs, doing same jobs, same hours: stuck in routine. The system is created so well, that once you get into it, you never leave, or maybe with some rare sunshine days, when you get all philosophical and look for better meaning in life. However, essentially we are a done product, we are finished, we got our selves stuck in this artificial maze. Now, the only way out is one, if you want peace you need to get ready for a war. It might sound as a cliché, but it’s not. Just think about it, all the food production is limited, the livestock is limited, space is limited, there is a logical end to this journey; just a question of when. People would go out with a big boom, that’s for sure. Countries tirelessly manufacture more and more army arsenal, they build more rockets, gain more power, and to justify spending tons of tax payers money on that, they will have to get themselves involved in conflicts that they are really don’t have anything to do with. No one made USA a king, nor Russia, or China, or any other country. The sovereignty of states came to end with recent world developments. When any powerful country can dictate others how to live and what to do. Such example is North Korea, with media tricking everyone into believing how dangerous that country is. Surrounded by the war ships of USA, and South Korea, world question why would the be hostile. Well, think of this, if someone to come next to your house, and park a tank on the street, with barrel pointed at your living room window, how comfortable would you feel? You would most definitely build a wall or some sort of defense system to protect your self, because hey, you can’t remove that tank, because you don’t really have any power to do so. Well that’s exactly a situation around any conflict currently in the world. And you need to be out of your mind, if you to believe that this status quo will last for long. You can’t continue building walls around your house, one day you sure will go crazy, and come out banging on that tank with your hammer. That day is not so long, as it’s been way too long without a big global boom style war. Every movie have an end, even if you don’t want it, it’s just the way nature works, everything starts, and everything ends.

Generation Elimination

Many may have stumbled upon some videos or articles about our planets earth current condition. In summary they all suggest that with our current temps of resource usage our human population will not be able to sustain itself within next few decades. Those authors suggest that the blame to be put on political and banking elites. However, we all should take credit for this amazing conclusion of our nation. As many now come to understanding (hopefully), our planet is run by few very powerful people, and no, I don’t mean superheroes, but rather power of influence and ability to direct resources to remain in power. This is no an article about some crazy theory, but rather the analysis of our reality. We may live in denial, and refuse to look into evidence, but it wont change a thing. Our nation got to the point of “no return”, which means there is no way back now. So far we all said that if one day we will get close to running off on resources, we will have some technology to resolve that. Well, there is no time to create a time travel machine. Our population is too stubborn to accept the reality. and the reality is that the more you use the more you need. So far we lived like there is no limit. Giving the burden of finding a solution to our survival to planet earth ability to generate new resources. The ice is melting, animal species become extinct, and we all eat a bunch of chemical stuff. More over, much of our farms now grow genetically modified products, and its been only about few hundred years of us starting the urbanization and industrialization. Our population grow rapidly, we over use, over manufacture, and over waste. We are bunch of slobs. We even declared that there is no purpose to our existence (scientifically). We are here just to do nothing.

However, we give so much credit for banks and governments for ruining our world, that we are forgetting that we didn’t do a thing to change or refuse the governments. We so far missed all the evidence and hints to change our life style. The more we mess with the nature, the more it will mess with us. Like a butterfly effect. Well the point is, we are the generation of elimination. The people in charge of our financial and social system came to realization that we are at point of no return, and there is no changing, if not to change things drastically. Over the next decade the elimination process will begin. It might be a straight forward war between powers, in the name of democracy (or other, I’m sure viable reason) which will eliminate bunch of people to slow down the usage of resources and allow time to reconfigure the social system, or much sophisticated natural cause, like virus from animals or food, or perhaps a natural cataclysm. and if for a second you want to doubt this, imagine your self floating in the open ocean on a ship. There is no land anywhere near, and you don’t even know if there is a land. Amount of people begin to grow, but there is only so much space you can provide, and only so much fish you can catch. What will you do as a captain? Allow all to die? Risk someone else to begin a revolution declaring you incompetence, and then killing others and probably you. Or would you think for a long time and then come up with some good tactics to eliminate unwanted amount of people for the sake of survival of the others?



























The reality

What is our world truly represent?

A system to fuck up with poor, and make rich richer?

We are on a merge of the hill, a cliff. There is only so much elevation world can get.

The moment when people will have enough is soon to come. When people will finally realize that they don’t own anything to governments and countries. When they will realize that they been enslaved by the money, corrupt by the promise of wealth, in exchange for their slavery. Yes, you might think you are free. But your every step, every decision is well calculated in advanced. Your movements are tracked, and saved. Have you ever wondered why are you working? Who said that you need money to achieve something? Welcome to the virtual reality of the reality. Sounds complicated? Not so. Every game is exactly what our reality is. You have a game, you have a character in that game, which is you, and you have a money system to purchase something in-game. You need to play longer, or do something to gain more in-game money to be able to purchase something. The only difference is that you can probably uninstall the game, and come back  to the reality. But what really changes? Yes, you get a better perception of the world. But nothing is real in the world except the feelings. You can feel the real world, which you can’t in-game. Yeah you get more “freedom” of what to do, but that’s rather soon will change with improvement of the games. Reality is fucked, your minds, decisions, everything been manipulated. Advertisement, movies, tv, video games, literature, if you pay enough attention you soon will realize that it’s all been well degraded to the basic level. You don’t get quite the same information, instead everything created now is to lower your intelligence level for easier manipulation. If you believe mass media, or basically anything that is behind created by corporations you are fooling yourself. Stop and think. Stop and analyze. You might think that this entire post is just a bunch of paranoid crap, but it’s not. Your facebook ads appear exactly what you searched on google. Even when you go to your email you are still getting weirdly similar ads to what you have searched for before. You think that’s a coincidence? Even youtube ads will match your recent search content. One time I searched for something on google in french, and was amazed that after doing that search, my youtube ads appeared in french. Fascinating.
















Game of Politics

People read news about whats going on in Ukraine and don’t quite understand the reality of the situation. More over the lies of the politicians is over ridiculous in current world. Those lies can be compared to authoritarian regimes of kings. The freedom of information should of had defeated the lies already. Politics is not a game with people, when finally we will realize that politicians are her for the people, and not the other way around. The legitimacy of the state comes from the people. Government cant just issue the usage of force on its citizens. We do not live in Statism state, where people are working for the state. The state was created to help people prosper, and create a better standard of living. Leviathan, was created with initial need of security. So why do citizens end up needing the security from the institution that suppose to provide that? What is wrong with today’s society that we still allowing to politicians to play those behind the curtains game. People are not business, you cannot speculate on citizens lives. Police should remember that they initially need to protect citizens. They need to care for the citizens, and not for the legal system. System comes second after people. You need with all resources help and fight for each human life.

Conflict in Ukraine is not what is shown in the news. People of the cities captured by the terrorist organization do not want the separation from Ukraine. and the reason as simple as, THEY STILL LIVE IN UKRAINE. The organized terrorist groups that are currently holding the positions in those cities are funded from outside Ukraine. And if you ask why residents of those cities are unable to do anything? Simple, because when guys with automatic rifles, with tanks, and army equipment show up at your door step and tell you that you want to be part of Russia, you simply have no choice to do anything.  How the hell should I know? Because I have family, and friends living in the captured cities.

Why Ukrainian army wont go on, and just kill all the terrorist? Firstly there is a lot of citizens around terrorist positions which creates danger for innocent people. Secondly  Russia will move its forces inside Ukraine with excuse that they need to defend “free choice of citizens of Ukraine”. Thirdly, there is a bigger game going on on the international arena.

Please do not believe anything in the news, media became part of the politics. And sadly, today’s politics is just a game. Game for money and power.