Category Archives: feelings


Life isn’t always about sunny days. It just happened that sometimes we have responsibilities, dependants, fights, conflicts and so on. There is nothing we can do about those things, and being worried, or stressed, won’t help in any way. Yes, sometimes you get so fucking tired that you want to give up, and just leave. Does it worth it? It doesn’t. There are so many more days ahead. No matter how steep the climb is, it’s not just about getting to the top. You feel tired? Fine, sit down, close your eyes, and ask your self. Is this the fucking end? Is there an exit out of this? The only time you will stumble upon something unresolveable is when you dead. Other than that you can find a solution. Our world is very huge, and the possibilities are limitless. Sometimes while climbing the mountain you might need to go back down just to take another look at the whole mountain and reconsider your path up. Life isn’t the race. Life is just a bunch of memories, a collection of thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc. When we finally reach the finish line, it’s not about what you brought with you in terms of luggage, but rather what you brought with you in your heart.


You made it this far, and what? now you just gonna give up everything and leave? why? cuz some people were assholes to you? just because you got tired?

It’s not about those days when you are tired, it’s about those days when you feel something else.

When you can go back into memories and dig out that one memory which will make you smile, which will make you forget all the other shit that have had happened to you. Did you feel like leaving when you were at that moment? No; you felt that everything is going to be alright.

Don’t betray yourself by giving up. You need to continue fighting. Do you see people who are constructing houses abandon their project just cuz its rains today? No; it might rain today, tomorrow, a week, a month, but when it stops, they will come back and continue building. And then you will see all those families moving in, starting their lives. Do you think anyone would have gotten anywhere if they’d just give up after every fight or some obstuction on the road? You have to continue fighting, it wont rain forever.

Just a random quotes, from random person.

One who follows, one day will lead. One who leads, one day will follow.

Followers are not those behind, but those who right beside us.

There is meaning in meaningless.

World is a big circle, so what makes you believe there is an end.

In darkness you will find true light.

Walk is not a journey, but journey often is a long walk.

Following your dreams, is chasing your own tail, everything is in your mind.

Being alive is slowly dying.

Don’t listen, and you will know the truth.

To be heard – be quite. To be ignored – talk.

You always know all the answers, you looking for one, means you don’t agree with the one you have.

Every scientific discovery, is just another limitation to our existence.

Having the information doesn’t necessarily mean knowing it.