Category Archives: Academic

COVID-19 Capitalist Crisis: More money or swift recovery dilemma

Tremendously long recovery from the COVID-19 is directly impacted and influenced by the capitalist hunger for capital. Not only are we as nations able to properly respond to the crisis, but we also promote it. During the crisis like this its easy for capitalism to find its capital, because what happened during the first wave will still happen during the second wave. Billions of masks manufactured, billion of liters of hand sanitizers, etc. However, many people now come to realize that it all can be avoided by simply closing up countries for as short as few weeks period, even a month. Just think about political house of commons or senate when the head institution of the state is not operational besides few emergency offices. That would be it. No, it wouldn’t stop the economy. People can still purchase things online, and they can be shipped with proper sanitization. There are hundreds of ways economy can still operate, where there is a demand there is a product. Don’t fool yourself with the propaganda on the news. So, who benefit? Corporation manufacturing product that are on the high demand during the pandemic. Cities like Toronto, who finally have the ability to install speed cameras. Stores like Walmart, and etc. Stock exchange. There is ample of possible ways to make yourself richer right now. However, government decided that people are so uneducated that they will buy anything government sells. Even COVID, is it fully studied? Do we know what effects? There are tons of questions, no one seems to care about. Even though the narrative keeps changing of what exactly COVID is, the internet is still full of “experts” on any given network who claim what people ought to be doing and how. Even the comment section on website, where people will tell other people what recovery rate for COVID is, what mask you should be wearing, etc. During COVID crisis everyone is a fool expert. However, rest assured, we yet to fully study COVID and many of its mutation strains. So please stay vigilant, stay safe, stay brave.


It is said to be that kings are chosen, they are come to this world as the chosen ones to create the history, and lead nations. Where are they now? Are they among us, now forgotten and living their own lives? are we ever to return to the times of the great battles, feasts, rebellions and unities? Aristotle said the democracy is one of the worst rules, so did Plato, by describing his paradise to be ruled by philosopher kings. Are we truly experiencing the freedoms we so eagerly pursued in our modern democratic world? Did we satisfy our pyramid of needs as described by Maslow? or are we simply got used to the rubbish present to us by the world elites? Is elitism what we truly desire in this modern age? Donating last money to charities and celebrities on movies, and media platforms? Our society is far from democratic, rule of all, means rule of no body, and therefore is used against the masses. How come the government can pass the bill that is opposed by the people, who are protesting on the streets, if those in power are represented by the mass? How is state to use power against people and call it legitimate if that legitimacy to the state comes from the people it is used against? Modern society is nothing but a grand spectacle, an illusion to hide the true rule, and that is the rule of the money. We strive and pursue materialistic goods, as if our mind is so cloudy that we cannot perceive the end result of our own demise. This world is, as much as I‌ don’t want to conceive to such terminology, biblical. Our society is built and founded on the false pretense of the freedom, which is can be bought. That is what capitalism is built on. You are your own free agent, to gather resources to provide for yourself. And that is how slavery is justifiable. if one is unable to achieve freedom, and financial stability, he or she is to be deemed unworthy, or unwilling to work hard enough, and hence shall live in poverty, and become a slave of the society, to forever exist on the outskirts of our great free world, to exist only on the periphery and not to be accepted into our great majestic utopian world. And for that matter, to avoid achieving utopia of this world, we shall forever create products more and more expensive than before, and just call it inflation.

Generation Elimination

Many may have stumbled upon some videos or articles about our planets earth current condition. In summary they all suggest that with our current temps of resource usage our human population will not be able to sustain itself within next few decades. Those authors suggest that the blame to be put on political and banking elites. However, we all should take credit for this amazing conclusion of our nation. As many now come to understanding (hopefully), our planet is run by few very powerful people, and no, I don’t mean superheroes, but rather power of influence and ability to direct resources to remain in power. This is no an article about some crazy theory, but rather the analysis of our reality. We may live in denial, and refuse to look into evidence, but it wont change a thing. Our nation got to the point of “no return”, which means there is no way back now. So far we all said that if one day we will get close to running off on resources, we will have some technology to resolve that. Well, there is no time to create a time travel machine. Our population is too stubborn to accept the reality. and the reality is that the more you use the more you need. So far we lived like there is no limit. Giving the burden of finding a solution to our survival to planet earth ability to generate new resources. The ice is melting, animal species become extinct, and we all eat a bunch of chemical stuff. More over, much of our farms now grow genetically modified products, and its been only about few hundred years of us starting the urbanization and industrialization. Our population grow rapidly, we over use, over manufacture, and over waste. We are bunch of slobs. We even declared that there is no purpose to our existence (scientifically). We are here just to do nothing.

However, we give so much credit for banks and governments for ruining our world, that we are forgetting that we didn’t do a thing to change or refuse the governments. We so far missed all the evidence and hints to change our life style. The more we mess with the nature, the more it will mess with us. Like a butterfly effect. Well the point is, we are the generation of elimination. The people in charge of our financial and social system came to realization that we are at point of no return, and there is no changing, if not to change things drastically. Over the next decade the elimination process will begin. It might be a straight forward war between powers, in the name of democracy (or other, I’m sure viable reason) which will eliminate bunch of people to slow down the usage of resources and allow time to reconfigure the social system, or much sophisticated natural cause, like virus from animals or food, or perhaps a natural cataclysm. and if for a second you want to doubt this, imagine your self floating in the open ocean on a ship. There is no land anywhere near, and you don’t even know if there is a land. Amount of people begin to grow, but there is only so much space you can provide, and only so much fish you can catch. What will you do as a captain? Allow all to die? Risk someone else to begin a revolution declaring you incompetence, and then killing others and probably you. Or would you think for a long time and then come up with some good tactics to eliminate unwanted amount of people for the sake of survival of the others?



























Outside the box, within the box.

Teachers often tell us to think outside the box, but then when your thoughts take a highway to the far land, of new ideas, and imagination, they limit you with the borders, to stay within the box.
Every new study is just a repetition of the same old ideas. Who are we to question. Who are we to come up with new ideas. We simply students. However why shall we take someone else knowledge as it is the only right thing?
The world around us is the evidence that those people were wrong! This world going into the no where, and if you say no, you just another ignorant. People live in different realities, in TV, internet, video games, cellphones, they are no longer part of this world. They created new technological reality in which they all hiding. The system is so corrupt and ignorant, that its destined to destroy it self. One day or the other there will be no other days. Exploitation, and greed of the system, is like a train without brakes. It is awesome how fast society goes, but wait till railroad will finish.

A nation to no where destination.

Where is this society going? What is the destination? For many years there been wars, murderers, conspiracies, all orchestrated by the governments of different countries. The elites created the monopoly of the force. And to sell the idea of security it is necessary to create threat. Everything that happens, happens for the reason. There is no coincidence. There can be no coincidences or mistakes on that level. How do you think country exists? Why do we pay taxes for our own extortion? Why do we co-exist in the society, and still yet somehow isolated from each other? We have all the technology to connect and communicate, yet we decide to isolate our selves, to ran away from others, to hide behind the walls. It is all well organized, organized to keep people think what they need to think, and for that matter not to think at all. All the information that may lead to development of thinking, or analyzing the reality will be banned. All the movements to awaken society, to show what really happening are considered to be national security threat, and approached accordingly. Why do you think there are wars with USA? Do you think anyone is in good mind will go against a country with such power and resources? Take a look at the military power right now. Any country that had been investing into army technology, will be able to destroy anyone, anywhere in the world. Second world war. Attack on Pearl Harbor, resulted in Nuclear attack as a response to aggression, conflict ended before it began. Governments fund all the terrorist group one way or the other. To make profit, to make people realize that they need government to protect society. As soon as there is no conflicts, and no other disasters, attention of the public goes into politics, government, and their force agencies. People start to question why do we pay so much to the government. Why police is working to protect the government and the elites, but not us, society. The reason is simple, society need the protection of the society. Why? Society is the government. Society is an illusion to create a mass. We believe we are part of the society just because we are. We believe we are this huge group of people that creates a mass. And it is easier to control the mass than individuals. Individuals can think, they can be different, they have their own view, beliefs, goals. Society however is driven by the instinct of the mass. By fear, and its simple a follower not a leader. Remember the really meaning of Politics, its a crowd manipulation, controlling the mass.

Us – Them. Reality behind the isolation walls.

I am a student in Canadian university for few years now, and I came across the same topic in many classes. The topic of national identity. Every time there is the same discussion, on what national identity is, what being Canadian means? After few years I realized one very interesting idea. That doesn’t matter where you are, and how many people surrounding you, you will always lean towards one or another group of people. Based on your values, ideas, beliefs… etc. People always try to put on those layers of different identities. Which only leads into more isolation. Why can’t people just be humans? The more layers you put on, the more walls there is between you and your neighbor. People who live in USA, will divide into different groups like “Hey I am from Texas, and that’s how we deal with stuff in Texas”. Or “Hey, I am New Yorker!” Is the idea of national identity is really that important, or do we just want to be different? The national identity is a childish attempt to be better. Because no national identity will be proud to include some bad characteristic in it. By putting those huge walls between us, and them, we create more isolation, than anything beneficial. Society needs first to learn the idea of what being human is, and only then go ahead researching other layers of identity. Without understanding of the foundation, anything we build on top, will at one point or the other collapse, and destroy everything. Many may suggest that there is a lot of study done on the subject of “being human”. However if people really knew what being human is, then we would never be at the point of searching what national identity is. However would live in utopia.